We understand the value of every dollar, so stop shopping for price and start getting relief from the heat! With our 100% Best Fan Price Guarantee, we take the hassle out of shopping for the best deal. Find a better, current advertised price on any of PolarCool fan, including here at polarcoolstore.com, within 14 days of your purchase and we’ll refund you 100% the difference.

Best Price Detail and Disclaimer:
Find a current, better advertised price on any PolarCool fan, including here at polarcoolstore.com, within 14 days of your purchase and we’ll refund you 100% of the difference. Our price guarantee is for identical fans and does not apply to close-out, special order, discontinued, clearance, liquidation, used, mispriced or damaged items. Limited to reasonable quantities. To qualify prices must be from qualified supplier offering new product with a full factory warranty coverage. Our Best Price Guarantee is for item price and does not reflect taxes, freight, or any special order considerations.
Pricing Verification
Customer must clip advertised price and provide a link to the lower priced website and email it to PolarCool (sales@polarcool.net) us along with contact information for the seller.